浏览次数 : 44
function add_watermark_to_uploaded_images($file) {
$watermark_path = get_template_directory() . '/你的logo地址'; // Change this to the actual path of your watermark image
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_path);
$image = wp_get_image_editor($file['file']);
if (!is_wp_error($image)) {
$image_size = $image->get_size();
$watermark_size = getimagesize($watermark_path);
// Calculate the position to overlay the watermark (you might need to adjust these values)
$x = $image_size['width'] - $watermark_size[0] - 10;
$y = $image_size['height'] - $watermark_size[1] - 10;
$image->image_copy_resampled($watermark, $x, $y, 0, 0, $watermark_size[0], $watermark_size[1], $watermark_size[0], $watermark_size[1]);
return $file;
add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'add_watermark_to_uploaded_images');
function add_text_watermark_to_uploaded_images($file) {
$text = 'Your Watermark Text'; // Change this to the text you want to use as the watermark
$font_path = get_template_directory() . '/path-to-your-font.ttf'; // Change this to the actual path of your TTF font file
$font_size = 20; // Adjust the font size as needed
$font_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); // Adjust the color (white in this case)
$image = wp_get_image_editor($file['file']);
if (!is_wp_error($image)) {
$image_size = $image->get_size();
$image_resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($file['file']); // Change this to the appropriate imagecreatefrom* function based on the image type
imagettftext($image_resource, $font_size, 0, 10, $image_size['height'] - 10, $font_color, $font_path, $text);
// Save the watermarked image back
imagejpeg($image_resource, $file['file']);
return $file;
add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'add_text_watermark_to_uploaded_images');
function add_text_watermark_to_uploaded_images($file) {
$text = 'Your Watermark Text';
$font_path = get_template_directory() . '/fonts/your-new-font.ttf'; // Change the path to your new font file
$font_size = 20;
$font_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$image = wp_get_image_editor($file['file']);
if (!is_wp_error($image)) {
$image_size = $image->get_size();
$image_resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($file['file']);
imagettftext($image_resource, $font_size, 0, 10, $image_size['height'] - 10, $font_color, $font_path, $text);
imagejpeg($image_resource, $file['file']);
return $file;
add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'add_text_watermark_to_uploaded_images');
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